
7th Eivissa World Heritage Fun Run

The Eivissa Town Council, with the technical assistance of the Pitiús Athletics Club, has organised the 7th edition of the Eivissa World Heritage 10k Fun Run, which will take place on the 10th of December.

While this year’s route will be similar to that of previous years, the start and finish lines have been moved to the Passeig Joan Carles I due to the pedestrianization of the Passeig Vara de Rey.

Another novelty this year is the day of the race, which has been moved to Saturday in an effort to facilitate the participation of athletes who are obliged to travel from outside the island.

In the opinion of the Eivissa Town Council Councillor for Sports, Agustín Perea, this is a very special race as it takes in all the town’s cultural heritage areas, this 7th edition confirming the event’s status as a permanent fixture on the island’s sporting calendar.


Three distances have been established in order to cater for the various categories:

1st Race: 600m – Benjamín (children born in 2008 or 2009), Alevín (children born in 2006 and 2007) and Special Category). Start: 4 pm

1 lap of the route marked out on the Passeig Joan Carles I (start and finish at the same point at the end of the Passeig)

2nd Race: 1500m – Infantil (children born in 2004 and 2005) and Cadetes (children born in 2002 and 2003). Start: 4.15 pm

1 lap of the route marked out on the Passeig Joan Carles I (start and finish at the same point at the end of the Passeig)

3rd Race: Remaining categories (10km = 2 laps of 5000m). Start: 4.30 pm.

The start is located at the end of the Passeig Joan Carles I and the route heads towards Eivissa, taking in Avda Santa Eulalia, Avda Bartolomé de Roselló, Avda Ignasi Wallis, Carrer Joan Xicó, Portal Nou, Plaça del Sol, Carrer Sant Antoni, Carrer de la Santa Cruz, Plaça de Vila, Portal de ses Taules, Plaça de la Constitución, Carrer Josep Verdera, Carrer de la Virgen (down the steps), Plaça de Sa Riba, Carrer Andenes, Avda Santa Eulalia, Passeig Joan Carles I, turn onto Carrer de Jaume II, Avda 8 d’Agost (start of the 2nd lap), Avda Santa Eulalia, Avda Bartomeu de Rosselló, Avda Ignasi Wallis, Carrer Joan Xicó, Portal Nou, Plaça del Sol, Carrer Sant Antoni, Carrer de la Santa Cruz, Plaça de Vila, Portal de ses Taules, Plaça de la Constitución, Carrer Josep Verdera, Carrer de la Virgen (down the steps), Plaça de Sa Riba, Carrer Andenes, Avda Santa Eulalia, Passeig Juan Carlos I (finish line at the end of the Passeig at the point where the race started).


Registration is obligatory and must be made via the Elitechip website (www.elitechip.net), before 9 pm on the Thursday before the race.

The registration fee for the 10k race is 10€ (the shorter races are free). Numbers may be collected on Friday the 9th of December between 7 and 9 pm in the Can Misses pool area of the Patronato Municipal de Deportes de Eivissa, on Saturday the 10th of December from 9 to 11 am at the same location, and up to 30 minutes before the start of each race at the starting line on the Passeig Joan Carles I.

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